On Thursday, March 24, 2022, the second series of International Lecture Series 2022 activities with the theme Bottom-up Gender Planning was held online via Zoom and broadcast via Youtube. The theme of this activity is related to Sustainable Development Goal 5 (Gender Equality) and Sustainable Development Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities). Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sonia Roitman from the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, The University of Queensland, Australia presents her research on “Community Organization and Neighborhood Improvement through Collective Action and Bottom-Up Gender Planning in Yogyakarta”. It was then followed by Mrs. Ainun Murwani as a representative from the Kalijawi Community, Yogyakarta, who described the initiatives of the Kalijawi Community women’s group in overcoming the problem of slum settlements on the banks of the Gajahwong and Winongo Rivers, Yogyakarta. The next presenter was Wido Prananing Tyas, Ph.D. from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. She delivered a topic on “Woman Empowerment through Home Based Enterprises: Beyond Crisis”. An important note in the presentation was that women can contribute to various economic activities and can help households to rise from crises such as pandemics. The second series of International Lecture Series activities were moderated by Maya Damayanti, Ph.D. The number of participants reached 75 participants, especially lecturers, undergraduate and postgraduate students of Urban and Regional Planning, Diponegoro University. The discussion session went well in terms of the high enthusiasm of the participants in asking questions and responding to the presentations that had been delivered by the presenters.
The following is a link to the recording of the International Lecture Series 2022 Series #02