On Monday, November 13, 2023, the International Lecture Series took place with the theme Urbanisation in Middle Size Cities. This activity was carried out online via Zoom and broadcast via the YouTube channel. The theme of ILS #09 can generally be related to Sustainable Development Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities). On this occasion, Dr. Ary Adriansyah Samsura from the Department of Geography, Planning, and Environment – Institute for Management Research of the Radboud University, the Netherlands delivered the material about “Spatial Planning in the Netherlands: Concepts and Practices”. In his presentation, Dr. Ary highlighted that there are several crises that the Netherlands may face, namely 1) the economic crisis, 2) the housing crisis as a result of various factors (including the economic crisis), 3) the energy crisis as a result of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, 4) the environmental crisis as the impact of changes in activities in the form of increased carbon emissions, and 5) social crises as a result of migration. The next session was a presentation from Dr. Fadjar Hari Mardiansjah from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning regarding “The Growth of Towns as Urban Concentrations in the Territory of Regency”. This International Lecture Series was moderated by Mr. Agung Sugiri, MPSt from the Regional Development and Environmental Management Laboratory with a total of 55 participants, especially from lecturers, undergraduate and master’s students in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Diponegoro University. The discussion session went well in terms of the activity participants’ high enthusiasm in asking questions and responding to the presentations given by the lecturers.

The following is a link to the recording of the International Lecture Series 2023 Series #09