Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DURP – UNDIP) Partnerships
The Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DURP) of UNDIP has collaborated with several institutions, universities, the private sectors, community groups, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and donor agencies to develop various educational activities, research, and community service. The following are some forms of partnerships carried out by DURP – UNDIP:
1. DURP – UNDIP partnership with the Ministry Agencies.The implementation of collaboration and partnership with several institutions has been carried out since 2004. Among the most fruitful collaborative activities are the Double Degree Education Program, the Training of Trainer (TOT ) Training Program, the Independent Internships, and many others. Several Ministries that have collaborated with the DURP – UNDIP are:
- Ministry of National Development Planning
- Ministry of Public Works and Housing
- Ministry of Transportation
- Ministry of National Education
- Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Defense Agency
Public Lecture with Dr. Ir. Achmad Hermanto Dardak, MSc – Deputy Minister of Public Works and Housing Regional Infrastructure Development and Management in Indonesia 2017
2. DURP – UNDIP partnership with domestic and foreign Universities
Among the domestic and foreign universities that have collaborated with DURP – UNDIP are Technische Universitat Munich, Technical University of Berlin, Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Radboud University, University of Hawaii, Seoul National University, and Hiroshima University. The collaborations are in the form of:
- Student exchange
- Joint Course
- Research
- Community Services
- Double Degree Program
- Publication

Final Presentation of Join Studio – Urban Regeneration in Kaligawe, Semarang Radboud Univeristy – Diponegoro University – Gadjah Mada University 2018
3. DURP – UNDIP partnership with Non-Government Partners
In addition to the partnership with universities and institutions, DURP – UNDIP also collaborates with several non-governmental organizations on a local, national and international scale, including MercyCorps Indonesia, PT. Astra International, Global Resilience Cities Network (GRCN), and Asian Development Bank (ADB). The collaboration activities include research projects, holding conferences/seminars, mentoring community service activities, and training covering various themes/topics such as poverty alleviation, community empowerment, disaster resilience, climate change, green economy, and transportation.
In addition, DURP – UNDIP also establishes partnerships/cooperation with many local governments in Indonesia. Through partnerships, we aim to ensure that academic activities at DURP – UNDIP can continue to adapt to the dynamics of development occurring in Indonesia. In detail, the DURP partnership data can be checked via the link: