Six students from batch 2020 of IUP URP UNDIP, namely Yohana Romauli Sayekti Hasibuan, Jihan Faisa Fitriana Wahyudi, Alvita Bhanuningtyas Rustanto, Shafa Pricilla, Kanaya Aliyanadira Hidayat, and Aulia Putri Sugiharto, are currently participating Practical Internship (PI) at Technical University of Munich, Germany. Meanwhile, a student, G. Raflihandjani Noor Majid, is practicipating in the internship remotely. All seven students have been accepted and registered as Practical Project Students (PPS) at the Laboratory of Land Management and Geospatial Science (Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung), Technical University of Munich, Germany. The offline internship began on July 1, 2023, and will conclude on August 31, 2023. They are actively participating in educational and research activity led by the Chair of Land Management, Prof. dr. ir. Walter T. de Vries, along with supervisors at TUM. Each student will be assigned to one or more projects related to spatial planning and land management during their internship in Germany.

The topics for the Practical Internship (IP) carried out by IUP students are as follows:

1. Yohana Romauli Sayekti Hasibuan Relationship between Mangrove Ecosystem and Disaster Management in Semarang Coastal Area
2. Jihan Faisa Fitriana Wahyudi Community Empowerment Through Participatory Urban and Rural Land Use Planning in Africa
3. Alvita Bhanuningtyas Rustanto Harnessing Survey Software for Inclusive and Sustainable Development regarding household in Indonesia
4. Shafa Pricilla Integrating Mangrove Ecosystems into Urban Planning: Enhancing Coastal Resilience and Sustainable Development
5. Kanaya Aliyanadira Hidayat Harnessing Survey Software for Inclusive and Sustainable Development regarding household in Indonesia
6. Aulia Putri Sugiharto The Advancement of Education in Africa through the Creation of a Rural Settlement Learning System based on the Practical Knowledge Currently Obtainable in Other Nations
7. G. Raflihandjani Noor Majid The Enhancement of Capacity Building for Urban Planner Students through The Study of Urban Growth and Development Systems in a City


Testimonials from IUP student representatives:


…While I was doing this internship in Germany, which has been going on for approximately 2 weeks, I had the chance to learn about issues in other nations, particularly in Africa. I made several great new friends who helped me become more adaptable and encouraged me to continue growing. Although I find myself a little unfamiliar and uncertain at first, my curiosity drives me to start embracing this internship adventure with each passing day at the Technische Universität München (TUM) since amazing people from various backgrounds supervise me. It resembles a blossoming spring flower that continues to bloom daily until it is ready for picking. While I’m here, I could strengthen my teamwork abilities, time management skills, and capacity for critical thinking on top of my understanding of planning, which I’m willing to apply as a future planner. I am going to cherish the chance I seized to work here as an intern, and I hope that Diponegoro University’s urban and regional planning students will have more and wider opportunities in the future…


…Doing practical work at Technische Universitat Munchen (TUM), Germany is a very rare privilege that I can get through the International Undergraduate Program from Diponegoro University. With this program, I was able to experience a new working and learning environment with the guidance of other colleagues and professionals with different major backgrounds so as to open my intellectual and social insights. During the practical work for around 2 weeks in the TUM campus environment, it requires me to be a critical, proactive, adaptive, and disciplined individual…