The higher education quality assurance system is a structured series of activities to maintain and improve the quality of education. It consists of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) and the External Quality Assurance System (SPME). The Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) is a quality assurance system carried out by the university that aims to create a control system for autonomous implementation of higher education by universities following the mandate of Article 5 Paragraph (6) Permenristekdikti No. 62/2016. The implementation of SPMI at Diponegoro University is regulated by Rector Regulation number 22 of 2016.

Quality assurance is carried out through a series of evaluation activities with a thorough audit of all aspects of quality in the academic and non-academic fields in each study program. Educational Quality Assurance and Development Institute (LP2MP – UNDIP) is responsible for carrying out Quality Assurance at the university level. The Faculty Quality Assurance Team (TPMF) is responsible for the evaluation at the Faculty level. Meanwhile, the evaluation at the Department\Study programs level are carried out by the Quality Assurance Team (GPM) that consists of three selected members.


Evaluation and monitoring of quality in each study program is carried out regularly through the Academic Quality Internal Audit (AIMA). Every year the LP2MP evaluates the study programs documented on (https://sipma.undip.ac.id/). At the Faculty level, the Faculty Quality Assurance Team (TPMF) evaluates the study program through a series of faculty work meetings; i.e., internal audits every three months, on-site visits, and management review meetings. The audit and evaluation aim to ensure that the Three Pillars of Higher Education activities run accordingly, following the specified standards. Audit activities are coordinated by the Quality Assurance Team of the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP and documented on the TPMF website (http://tpm.ft.undip.ac.id/)

Following the Dean’s Decree No. 12/UN7.5.3.2/HK/2021, the Quality Assurance Team (GPM), in collaboration with the Head of the Study Program, is in charge of auditing activities at the Study Program level. The GPM’s main tasks are to compile/improve the department’s SOPs, audit the teaching and learning process, assist the Head of the Study Program in compiling the CPL assessment, and help the Head of the Department in filling out performance evaluations.

Higher Education Quality Assurance also consists of external quality assurance. External Quality Assurance System is an assessment activity through accreditation to determine the feasibility and level of quality achievement of study programs and universities (Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 62 of 2016 concerning Higher Education Quality Assurance System). The Urban and Regional Planning Study Program (S1) has BAN-PT “A” accreditation (S1 Accreditation Certificate Link), as well as for the Urban and Regional Planning Master Program that has “A” accreditation (S2 Accreditation Certificate Link).

The evaluation activities certainly have guidelines or references. The following are some assurance documents owned by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (in the form of links):

  1. Renstra UNDIP 2020-2024
  2. Renstra FT 2020-2024
  3. Assurance Policy
  4. Assurance Manual (SPMI)
  5. Satupadu Assurance Standard of the Faculty of Engineering
  6. SOPs
  7. Work Instruction Form