On Wednesday, 23rd August 2023, the International Lecture Series #04 occurred online. The webinar theme, Urban Decentralization and Inclusive Housing Development, is related to Sustainable Development Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Settlements). On this occasion, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wiwandari Handayani, Head of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Diponegoro University, gave opening remarks. Dr. -Ing. Wisnu Pradoto from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning was the moderator who guided the discussion with two presenters. The first material was delivered by Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sanusi Hassan from the School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, regarding Urban Decentralization and Inclusive Housing Development in Malaysia. As the second presenter, Dr. -Ing. Asnawi Manaf from the Urban and Regional Planning Department – Universitas Diponegoro elaborated on “collaborative governance” towards more inclusive housing/settlements and urban development. Important notes in the discussion included issues related to housing/settlements, which are multi-faceted and dynamic, more than just the physical problems of substandard informal settlements — this is related to and depends on various stakeholders. Integrating all key resources and collaborating with relevant stakeholders as resource owners is necessary to deal with the housing problem. In addition, to make inclusive governance a reality, an entity with the capacity and ability to clearly understand this issue is needed and creates opportunities to collaborate with related parties to deal with these issues. There were around 112 participants who attended the webinar online via Zoom Meeting and YouTube, not only students and lecturers at Diponegoro University but also academics from other universities both in Indonesia and abroad, representatives of government agencies, NGOs and Diponegoro University alumni.

The following is a recording link for International Lecture Series #04 2023
