Grandy Loranessa Wungo, ST., MT


Grandy Loranessa Wungo, ST., MT

Urban Design Laboratory

Grandy Loranessa Wungo holds the position of lecturer at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, within the Faculty of Engineering at Diponegoro University. He earned his bachelor's degree in Urban and Regional Planning from UNDIP, and further pursued master's degrees in Urban and Regional Development, also from UNDIP. His research primarily centers around the realm of urban design and the promotion of sustainable urban design, sustainable urban forms and structure.


TPW21254 Perencanaan Tapak (Site Planning)

TPW21234 Praktikum Studio Proses Perencanaan(Planning Process Studio)

TPW21255 Perancangan Kota (Urban Design)

UUW00006 Internet of Things

TPW21243 Morfologi Kota (Urban Morphology)

• 2021. Optimalisasi Jalur Pedestrian Bagi Aktivitas PKL dan Pejalan Kaki di Jalan KH. Agus Salim dan Jalan Alun-Alun Timur, Kota Semarang (Measuring pedestrian travel experience at Johar market, Old city Semarang). Funded by Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University

• 2020. Evaluasi Model Pengelolaan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Micro-Hydro (PLTMH) Kunci Putih di Desa Jatirunggo, Kec. Pringapus, Kabupaten Semarang (A Comparative Study: Micro-Hydro Power Management Model in Rural and Isolated Area). Funded by Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University

• 2019. Kampong Regeneration melalui Model Penyediaan Ruang Bermain Anak Menuju Kampung Ramah Anak di Kelurahan Ngemplak Simongan, Semarang (Kampong Regeneration through Playground Provision Model towards A-child friendly Village at Ngemplak Simongan Village, Semarang). Funded by Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University


Dewi, S. P., Susanti, R., & Wungo, G. L. (2023). Informal Space Utilization Shifting post-Urban Revitalizationin the Semarang Old City. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 55(1), 78 – 87.

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Scopus Profile

Sinta Profile

• Indonesian Planning Association

• Indonesian Urban Designer Association

• Indonesian Society of Landscape Architect

• 2021. Penataan Wilayah Agropolitan Di Desa Candigaron, Kecamatan Sumowono, Kabupaten Semarang (The arrangement of Agropolitan Area in Candigaron Village, Sumowono District)

• 2020 . Sosialisasi Konsep Ekotourism di Kepulauan Karimunjawa Socialization of the Ecotourism Concept in the Karimunjawa Islands.

• 2019. Sosialisasi Peran Pentingnya Hutan Mangrove sebagai Ruang Terbuka Hijau dan Pelindung dari Abrasi di Kelurahan Mangunharjo (Socializing the Importance of Mangrove Forests as Green Open Spaces and Protectors from Abrasion in Mangunharjo Village Kelurahan)