Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mussadun, ST, Msi
Urban Design Development Laboratory
Dr. Mussadun is a lecturer at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering - Diponegoro University. He graduated from undergraduate program in architecture at Diponegoro University in 1996, master program in coastal and small islands resource management at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in 2005. Then, he continued his studies at IPB and earned his doctorate in Coastal Resource Management in 2012. Dr. Mussadun focuses on urban regeneration and development, especially coastal area management and urban design.
- Interpretasi ruang/ Spatial Interpretations
- PTPW6304 - Morfologi Kota/ Urban Morpholopy
- PTPW6303 - Proses Perencanaan/ Planning Process
- LTPW6620 - MKP Kota Cerdas/ smart city
- MKP Regenerasi Kota dan Pembangunan/ Urban regeneration and Development
- MKP Pemodelan Rancang Kota/
- LTPW6622 - MKP Morfologi pesisir/ coastal area morphology
- LTPW6713 - MKP Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir Dan Pulau Kecil/ Management of Coastal Regions and Small Islands
- LTPW6716 - MKP Pengendalian Pemanfaatan Ruang/ Spatial Utilization Controling
- LTPW8034 - Kelembagaan Pembangunan Kota
- LTPW8096 - Kelembagaan Kota Cerdas
- LTPW8020 - Ekonomi Pembangunan Kawasan
- LTPW8021 - Manajemen dan Administrasi Rancang Kota
- LTPW8025 - Konservasi Kawasan
- MKP Panduan Rancang Kota
- Kelembagaan Kota Cerdas
2023 Meningkatkan Ketahanan Wilayah Pesisir Utara Jawa Tengah Terhadap Bencana Banjir Berdasarkan Perspektif Social Ecological-Technological Systems (SETS)/ (Improving the Resilience of the North Coastal Area of Central Java Against Flood Disasters Based on the Social Ecological-Technological Systems (SETS) Perspective).
2023 Flood Risk Evacuation System in Tanjung Mas Village, Semarang City
2023 Analisis Placemaking Taman Tirto Agung Sebagai Ruang Publik Pasca Pandemi Covid-19/ (Placemaking Analysis of Tirto Agung Park as a Public Space after Covid-19 Pandemic)
2022 Flood Risk Evacuation System in Tanjung Mas Village, Semarang City
2022 Meningkatkan Ketahanan Wilayah Pesisir Utara Jawa Tengah Terhadap Bencana Banjir Berdasarkan Perspektif Social Ecological-Technological Systems (SETS)/ (Improving the Resilience of the North Coastal Area of Central Java Against Flood Disasters Based on the Social Ecological-Technological Systems (SETS) Perspective)
2022 Faktor Prioritas Untuk Pengembangan Fasilitas Pejalan Kaki Yang Inklusif Di Kawasan Pecinan, Kota Semarang/ (Prioritization Factors for Inclusive Pedestrian Facility Development in Chinatown, Semarang City)
2021 Meningkatkan Ketahanan Wilayah Pesisir Utara Jawa Tengah Terhadap Bencana Banjir Berdasarkan Perspektif Social-Ecological-Technological Systems (SETS)/ (Improving the Resilience of the North Coastal Area of Central Java Against Flood Disasters Based on the Social Ecological-Technological Systems (SETS) Perspective)
Muliyadi, M., Purwanto, P., Sumiyati, S., & Mussadun, M. (2023). Bioaccumulation of heavy metals using aquatic plants in wastewater. International Journal of Public Health Science, 12(2), 690–698.
• The Institution of Engineers Indonesia
• Indonesian Built Environment Researchers Association
2023 Pengembangan Integrated Rural Tourism Melalui Penguatan Potensi Wisata Alam Dan Komoditas Unggulan Berbasis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Di Desa Gempolan, Kecamatan Kerjo, Kabupaten Karanganyar (Development of Integrated Rural Tourism through Strengthening the Potential of Nature Tourism and Leading Commodities Based on Community Empowerment in Gempolan Village, Kerjo District, Karanganyar Regency)
2023 Pengembangan Wisata Di Kelurahan Mugassari (Tourism Development in Mugassari Village)
2023 Pengembangan Permukiman Layak Huni di Kelurahan Jagalan (Development of Livable Settlements in Jagalan Village)
2022 Sosialisasi Peningkatan Kapasitas Kelembagaan Di Kelurahan Mangunharjo, Kecamatan Tugu, Semarang (Socialization of Institutional Capacity Building in Mangunharjo Village, Tugu Sub-district, Semarang).
2022 Sosialisasi Ecobrick Dalam Pengolahan Sampah Berkelanjutan Di RW 8 Sendangmulyo Kecamatan Tembalang Semarang (Ecobrick Socialization in Sustainable Waste Management in RW 8 Sendangmulyo, Tembalang Semarang Sub-district)
2022 Penataan Kampung Heritage Karangturi Lasem, Rembang (Arrangement of Heritage Village Karangturi Lasem, Rembang)
2022 Model Perancangan Kawasan Kampung Tematik Masjid Sekayu 1413 Sebagai Destinasi Wisata (Design Model of Thematic Village Area of Sekayu Mosque 1413 as a Tourism Destination)
2022 Kota Layak Anak - Identifikasi Taman Ramah Anak Di Kota Semarang (Child Friendly City - Identification of Child Friendly Parks in Semarang City)
2021 Sosialisasi Pengembangan Akomodasi Pelayanan Wisata Bahari Berkelanjutan di Karimunjawa (Socialization of Sustainable Maritime Tourism Service Accommodation Development in Karimunjawa).
2021 Promosi dan Informasi Wisata Bahari Berkelanjutan di Karimunjawa (Promotion and Information of Sustainable Maritime Tourism in Karimunjawa)
2021 Penataan Wilayah Agropolitan di Desa Candigaron Kecamatan Sumowono Kabupaten Semarang (Structuring the Agropolitan Area in Candigaron Village, Sumowono District, Semarang Regency)
2021 Forum Group Discussion Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Budaya di Desa Banggi, Kecamatan Kaliori, Kab. Rembang (Forum Group Discussion on the Development of Cultural Tourism Area in Banggi Village, Kaliori District, Rembang Regency)
2021 Edukasi Kawasan Budaya Heritage Kampung Pecinan, Kota Semarang (Education of Heritage Cultural Area of Chinatown, Semarang City)