Prof. Iwan Rudiarto, S.T., M.Sc.
Geomatic and Planning Laboratory
Research Projects
Community Services
Iwan Rudiarto is a Professor at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Universitas Diponegoro (Undip). He obtained his bachelor’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from Undip, Indonesia, in 1998. He received his M. Sc. and Ph. D from Germany; M.Sc. in Land Management and Land Tenure from the TU München in 2005 and PhD from the Universität Hohenheim in 2010, both from DAAD scholarship. His research focus is on rural planning and development, climate related disaster and planning, rural transformation, and land resources management. Currently, he is teaching and supervising students at bachelor, master, and doctorate program. He is actively involved at The Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (GCSMUS) as an advanced researcher and representative of Indonesia. GCSMUS is one of 12 Excellence Centers for Exchange and Development (exceed), funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) via the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with its coordination base at the TU Berlin, connects close to 50 partners from eight world regions. He is also a council member of Global Planning Education Association Network (GPEAN), the world’s association of Urban and Regional Planning schools. He is appointed by GPEAN as the Chair of World Planning Schools Congress 2026.
- PTPW6504 Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Lahan (Land Development)
- PTPW6702 Metodologi Penelitian (Research Methods)
- PTPW6401 Metode Analisis Perencanaan (Methods of Analysis for Planning)
- LTPW6605 MKP Pengembangan Pedesaan (Rural Development)
- LTPW6631 Community Based Urban and Rural Resilience (IUP Class)
- PTPW8017 Metode Analisis Perencanaan dan Pembangunan (Planning Method Analysis)
- PTPW8023 Metodologi Riset (Research Methodology)
- PTPW8085 Penulisan Akademik dan penyusunan proposal (Academic writing and proposal preparation)
- PTPW8090 Seminar Hasil
- LTPW8077 Sistem Keruangan Wilayah dan Kota (Urban and Regional Spatial System)
- LTPW8005 Space and Location Theory
- LTPW8078 Sistem Aktivitas Wilayah dan Kota (Urban and Regional Spatial System)
- LTPW8012 Rural Planning and Development
- PTPW9113 Metodologi Penelitian (Research Methods)
- PTPW 9121 Proposal Penelitian (Proposal Preparation)
2023 Transformasi Desa Kawasan Pesisir: Studi Kasus Desa Bonangrejo, Kabupaten Demak, Indonesia (Coastal Village Transformation: A Case Study of Bonangrejo Village, Demak Regency, Indonesia); Funded by Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University
2023 Pengembangan Model Eco Urban Mobility Berbasis Cadangan Carbon dan Pola Perkembangan Lahan Terbangun (Eco Urban Mobility Model Development Based on Carbon Storage and Built-Up Land Development Patterns); Funded by in addition to the APBN Undip
2023 Study of Sustainable Infrastructure Approach Based on Knowledge Co-Production to Improve Disaster Resilience on the North Coast of Central Java; Funded by in addition to the APBN Undip
2023 Kajian Antisipasi Dampak Rencana Pembangunan Pelabuhan On-shore Terhadap Ketahanan Masyarakat di Pesisir Kota Pekalongan (Anticipatory Impact Assessment of On-shore Port Development Plan on Community Resilience in Coastal Pekalongan City); Funded by Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology - Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology
2022 Tipologi Migrasi Masyarakat Perdesaan Sebagai Respon Terhadap Perubahan Iklim di Kabupaten Grobogan (Typology of Rural Community Migration as a Response to Climate Change in Grobogan Regency); Funded by Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University
2022 Permodelan Ketahanan Daerah Terhadap Bencana Alam di Wilayah Kabupaten/Kota Jawa Tengah (Regional Resilience Modeling against Natural Disasters in Regency/City Areas in Central Java)
2020-2021 Pemodelan Pengembangan Wilayah Rentan Bencana di Dataran Tinggi Jawa Tengah Menuju Implementasi Desa dan Kota Tangguh (Rural-Urban Resilience) (Modeling the Development of Disaster Vulnerable Areas in the Central Java Highlands Towards the Implementation of Rural-Urban Resilience); Funded by in addition to the APBN Undip
2021 Kajian Ketahanan Wilayah Pedesaan (Rural Resilient) di Kabupaten Temanggung Dan Kabupaten Wonosobo (Study of Rural Resilience in Temanggung and Wonosobo Districts); Funded by Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University
2020 Kajian Transformasi Desa-Kota di Wilayah Metropolitan Yogyakarta (Study of Rural-Urban Transformation in the Yogyakarta Metropolitan Area)
Rudiarto, I., Zaim, Z., Buchori, I., & Wijaya, H. B. (2023). The Dynamics of Village Land Management A Case from Central: Java, Indonesia. In Geospatial Science for Smart Land Management: An Asian Context.
Dewa, D. D., Buchori, I., Rudiarto, I., & Sejati, A. W. (2023). Modifying the Contact Perimeter Approach for Measuring Urban Compactness Gradients in the Joglosemar Urban Region, Indonesia. Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis, 7(1).
Dewi, R. S., Handayani, W., Pratama, I. P., De Vries, W. T., Rudiarto, I., & Artiningsih, A. (2023). Assessing Flood Vulnerability from Rapid Urban Growth: A Case of Central Java — Indonesia. Chinese Journal of Urban and Environmental Studies.
Wunarlan, I., Soetomo, S., & Rudiarto, I. (2023). The Morphology of Urban Agriculture of Marisa District, Indonesia. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 11(1), 412–424.
Insani, T. D., Rudiarto, I., Handayani, W., & Wijaya, H. B. (2022). Rural livelihood resilience on multiple dimensions: a case study from selected coastal areas in Central Java. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 18(2), 176–193.
Hamdani, R. S., Hadi, S. P., & Rudiarto, I. (2021). Progress or regress? A systematic review on two decades of monitoring and addressing land subsidence hazards in Semarang city. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(24).
Wijaya, H. B., Rudiarto, I., & Kurniawati, H. (2021). Migrant entrepreneurs in industry cluster formation and innovation: the case of semarang, central java, indonesia. Urban Book Series, 153–173.
Handayani, W., Chigbu, U. E., Rudiarto, I., & Surya Putri, I. H. (2020). Urbanization and increasing flood risk in the Northern Coast of Central Java-Indonesia: An assessment towards better land use policy and flood management. Land, 9(10).
Marjuki, B., & Rudiarto, I. (2020). Application of Spatial Multi-Criteria Analysis and Least-Cost Path on The Highway Route Planning (Case Study of Bawen - Yogyakarta Highway). Geoplanning, 7(2), 113–130.
Rudiarto, I., Hidayani, R., & Fisher, M. (2020). The bilocal migrant: Economic drivers of mobility across the rural-urban interface in Central Java, Indonesia. Journal of Rural Studies, 74, 96–110.
Rudiarto, I., & Pamungkas, D. (2020). Spatial exposure and livelihood vulnerability to climate-related disasters in the North Coast of Tegal City, Indonesia. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 8(3), 34–53.
Rudiarto, I., Rahmawati, I., & Sejati, A. W. (2020). Land degradation and community resilience in rural mountain area of java, indonesia. Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation, 449–460.
Sejati, A. W., Buchori, I., Rudiarto, I., Silver, C., & Sulistyo, K. (2020). Open-source web GIS framework in monitoring urban land use planning: Participatory solutions for developing countries. Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis, 12(1), 19–34.
Wunarlan, I., Soetomo, S., & Rudiarto, I. (2020a). Evaluation of the living condition in fishermen settlement in the coastal area of Marisa City, Gorontalo Province. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, 5(6), 1033–1041.
Wunarlan, I., Soetomo, S., & Rudiarto, I. (2020b). Typology of peri-urban area based on physical and social aspects in Marisa, Indonesia. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 8(5), 984–992.
Zaim, Z., Rudiarto, I., Buchori, I., & Wahyudi, A. (2020). Community participation pattern in communal village land utilization. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 8(3), 54–67.
- Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing / Masyarakat Ahli Penginderaan Jauh Indonesia (MAPIN)
- Indonesian Planning Schools Association / Asosiasi Sekolah Perencanaan Indonesia (ASPI)
- Global Planning Education Association Network (GPEAN)
- Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (GCSMUS)
2023 – 2025 Advisory of Indonesian Planning Schools Association / Asosiasi Sekolah Perencanaan Indonesia (ASPI)
2023 Identifikasi Kebutuhan Fasilitas Pendidikan SMP di Kecamatan Ngadirejo, Kabupaten Temanggung (Identification of Junior High School Education Facility Needs in Ngadirejo Sub-district, Temanggung District)
2023 Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Menentukan Batas Desa Gegerkunci, Jatimakmur, dan Jatirokeh (Community Empowerment in Determining the Boundaries of Gegerkunci, Jatimakmur, and Jatirokeh Villages)
2023 Pemetaan Proyeksi Wilayah Terdampak dan Rencana Kontingensi Bencana Kekeringan di Kabupaten Tegal (Mapping of Projected Affected Areas and Contingency Plan for Drought in Tegal Regency)
2023 Identifikasi Kebutuhan Sumber Daya dan Rencana Kontingensi Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Kabupaten Tegal (Identification of Resource Needs and Contingency Plan for Forest and Land Fires in Tegal Regency)
2023 Peningkatan Pemahaman Kapasitas Masyarakat untuk Bencana Banjir Lintas Wilayah Kabupaten dan Kota Semarang (Improved Knowledge of Community Capacity for Flood Disaster Across Semarang Regency and Municipality)
2023 Penegasan Batas Desa Berbasis Partisipasi Masyarakat di Desa Wanacala, Desa Karangsembung, dan Desa Dukuhmaja, Kecamatan Songgom (Community Participation-Based Village Boundary Determination in Wanacala Village, Karangsembung Village, and Dukuhmaja Village, Songgom Subdistrict)
2023 Identifikasi Peluang Kontingensi Kedaruratan Bencana Banjir Bandang di Kabupaten Tegal (Identification of Flash Flood Emergency Contingency Opportunities in Tegal Regency)
2023 Peningkatan Kesiapsiagaan Masyarakat dengan Pemetaan Jalur Evakuasi dan Kontingensi Bencana Tanah Longsor di Kabupaten Tegal (Improving Community Preparedness by Mapping Evacuation Routes and Landslide Contingency in Tegal Regency)
2023 Pemetaan Potensi dan Masalah Bencana Cuaca Ekstrem di Kabupaten Tegal (Mapping the Potential and Problems of Extreme Weather Disasters in Tegal Regency)
2022 Penyusunan Sistem Informasi Kebencanaan Kabupaten Tegal (Developing Disaster Information System of Tegal Regency)
2022 Penyusunan Rencana Kontijensi Tegal (Drafting Tegal Contingency Plan)
2022 Pemetaan Batas Wilayah Brebes (Brebes Boundary Mapping)
2022 Sinkronisasi Masterplan Smart City Temanggung (Temanggung Smart City Masterplan Synchronization)
2022 Peningkatan SDM melalui pelatihan GIS untuk Beasiswa BAPPENAS (Human resource improvement through GIS training for BAPPENAS Scholarships)
2022 Peningkatan SDM melalui pelatihan GIS untuk Mahasiswa (Human resource improvement through GIS training for students)
2022 Penyusunan Perancangan Kampung Tematik Sawah dan Burung Hantu sebagai Destinasi Wisata di Kelurahan Tambangan, Kota Semarang (Drafting of Thematic Village Design of Rice Fields and Owls as a Tourism Destination in Tambangan Village, Semarang City)
2022 Penguatan Kapasitas Keterampilan GIS Pegawai Fungsional Perencana di Kota Medan (Capacity Building for GIS Skills of Functional Planners in Medan City)
2022 Sosialisasi Kebutuhan Smart City di Level Kabupaten Temanggung (Socialization of Smart City Necessities at the Temanggung District Level)
2022 Peningkatan Kualitas Lingkungan dalam Penanggulangan Bencana di Tegal (Environmental Quality Improvement for Disaster Management in Tegal)
2022 Sosialisasi Hasil Penilaian Indeks Indikator Kinerja Utama Pembangunan Daerah (Inditator Kemudahan Berusaha) Kabupaten Temanggung Tahun 2022 (Socialization of the Results of the Main Performance Indicator Index Assessment of Regional Development (Ease of Doing Business Indicator) Temanggung Regency in 2022)
2021 Sosialisasi Dan Penyepakatan Konsep Penyusunan Analisis Indikator Kinerja Utama Pembangunan Daerah (Inditator Kemudahan Berusaha) Kabupaten Temanggung Tahun 2021 (Socialization and Agreement on the Concept of Drafting an Analysis of the Main Performance Indicators of Regional Development (Ease of Doing Business Indicators) of Temanggung Regency in 2021)
2021 Kegiatan Penyusunan Peta Administrasi Batas Desa Kamal, Desa Pamulihan, Desa Larangan, Desa Karangbale, Dan Desa Luwunggede, Kecamatan Larangan, Kabupaten Brebes (Preparation of Boundary Administration Mapping of Kamal Village, Pamulihan Village, Larangan Village, Karangbale Village, and Luwunggede Village, Larangan Subdistrict, Brebes District)
2021 Pemberdayaan Kemampuan Menulis Artikel Ilmiah Mahasiswa Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota (Empowerment of Scientific Article Writing Skills of Urban and Regional Planning Students)
2021 Profil Batas Desa Cibentang, Desa Cinanas, Desa Karangpari, dan Desa Telaga di Kabupaten Brebes (Boundary Profile of Cibentang Village, Cinanas Village, Karangpari Village, and Telaga Village in Brebes Regency)
2021 Pelatihan Jurnal Kelitbangan dan Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Kabupaten Temanggung (Training on Research Journal and Scientific Article Writing in Temanggung Regency)
2020 Penyusunan Pemetaan Batas Wilayah Desa di Kecamatan Salem: Desa Bentar, Desa Bentarsari dan Desa Pabuaran (Preparation of Village Boundary Mapping in Salem Sub-district: Bentar Village, Bentarsari Village and Pabuaran Village)
2020 Pemetaan Batas Wilayah Desa Di Kecamatan Paguyangan Kabupaten Brebes (Studi Wilayah: Desa Cilibur, Desa Cipetung, Dan Desa Pandansari) (Mapping Village Boundaries in Paguyangan Sub-district, Brebes Regency (Study Area: Cilibur Village, Cipetung Village, and Pandansari Village))
2020 Partisipasi Masyarakat Desa Dalam Kegiataan Pemetaan Batas Desanya (Studi Wilayah: Desa Ragatunjung, Desa Wanatirta, dan Desa Winduaji Kecamatan Paguyangan, Kabupaten Brebes) (Village Community Participation in Boundary Mapping (Area Study: Ragatunjung Village, Wanatirta Village, and Winduaji Village, Paguyangan Sub-district, Brebes Regency))
2020 Pemetaan UMKM Pelaku Ekonomi Kreatif Usaha Kerajinan Makanan Ringan, Batik, Bambu dan Kayu di Kabupaten Temanggung (Mapping MSMEs Creative Economic Actors of Snack, Batik, Bamboo and Wood Handicrafts in Temanggung Regency)
2020 Pemetaan Prasarana Pendukung Wisata Kecamatan Mijen Kota Semarang (Mapping of Tourism Support Infrastructure in Mijen Subdistrict, Semarang City)