Ir. Djoko Suwandono, MSP


Assoc. Prof. Ir. Djoko Suwandono, MSP

Urban Design Laboratory


Djoko Suwandono is a senior lecturer at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University. He hold a bachelor's degree in Architecture from UNDIP and a master's degree in urban and regional planning from ITB. He was one of the founders of urban and regional planning department in Undip. He was also actively involved in forming of Association of Indonesian Planning Schools (ASPI). It can be seen when DPWK Undip was chosen as a secretariat office of ASPI. His research focuses on urban design and the urban environment. Moreover, he also involved in the arrangement of masterplan for many provincial and cities in Indonesia. He was appointed as the team leader for the preparation of the SASAMBA Special Economic Zone of East Kalimantan province which it is a role model for other Special Economic Zones.


• TPW21253 Sistem Sosial (Social System)

TPW21233 Proses Perencanaan (Planning Process)

TPW21245 Perencanaan Dan Pengembangan Lahan (Land Development and Planning)

PTPW6204 Interpretasi Ruang (Spatial Interpretations)

TPW21366 MKP Kota Cerdas (Smart City)

TPW21536 MKP Agropolitan (Agropolitan)

TPW21546 MKP Urban Megastructure (Urban Megastructure

2020-2025      Building Urban Planning Pedagogy in Indonesia, in collaboration with University of Hawai’i Funded by Luce Foundation – USA

2020-2022      Modeling for the Development of Disaster Risk Areas in the Java Highlands Towards Rural-Urban Resilience Funded by Deputy for Research and Development (Ministry of Research and Technology)

2020-2021      Covid-19 and Built Environment: An Integrated Study from the Regional-Global Perspective, in collaboration with Seoul National University, Funded by Ministry of Science and ICT, Republic of Korea

2018-2020      Water as Leverage (WaL) for Resilient Cities Asia Funded by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency 2018           Planning Resilient City: an Assessment on Disaster Management in Semarang City Funded by Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University

2017-2018      Study of Rural Resilience for Responsive Spatial Planning Implementation Funded by DPRM DIKTI (Ministry ofResearch, Technology, and Higher Education)

2016-2018      Study of Urban Development in the Northern Coastal of Central Java Province towards Resilient City Planning and Implementation Funded by DRPM DIKTI (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education)

2016-2018      Modelling of Sustainable Rural Spatial Planning Based on Resources and Biodiversity Funded by PNBP UNDIP (Diponegoro University)

2016 -2017     Research for Development of Co Benefits Action Plan on Public Transport and Non-Motorized Transport for Semarang City Funded by IGES (Institut for Global Environmental Strategies) - Japan

2016           Community Capacity Building towards Demographic Dividend: Study of Primary Sector in Central Java Province Funded by National Population and Family Planning Board

2016           Potential Analysis of Borderland in Bejen District Funded by Development Board of Temanggung Regency

2016           Climate Change Disaster Impact to Community Livelihood in the Northern Coastal Area of Central Java Province Funded by FT UNDIP (Diponegoro University)

2015 - 2016    Spatial Modelling Based on Climate Change Mitigation Principle (Case of Central Java) Funded by Directorate of Higher Education (BOPTN)

2015           Method Development for Disaggregating Population data for Climate Change Adaptation Analysis Funded by The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)


Kurniawati, W., Suwandono, D., Adhiani, N., & Erning Ariyanti, K. (2021). Urban Space Adaptation in Jurnatan Kampong in the Pandemic Era. E3S Web of Conferences, 317.

Rakhmatulloh, A. R., Kusumo Dewi, D. I., & Suwandono, D. (2021). Bus Trans Semarang: Service Improvement during the New Normal Era. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 738(1).

Rakhmatulloh, A. R., Kusumodewi, D. I., & Suwandono, D. (2020). COVID-19: The Questions Ahead for Future Pedestrian Ways in Transit Area. E3S Web of Conferences, 202.

Google Scholar Profile

Scopus Profile

Sinta Profile

• Indonesian Planning Association

• 2021. Penataan Wilayah Agropolitan Di Desa Candigaron, Kecamatan Sumowono, Kabupaten Semarang (The arrangement of Agropolitan Area in Candigaron Village, Sumowono District)

• 2020. Sosialisasi Pendekatan Vegetatif dalam Penanganan Bencana Longsor di Kampung Plasansari, Semarang (Socialization of the Vegetative Approach in Landslide Disaster Management in Plasansari Village, Semarang)

• 2019. Sosialisasi Peran Pentingnya Hutan Mangrove sebagai Ruang Terbuka Hijau dan Pelindung dari Abrasi di Kelurahan Mangunharjo (Socializing the Importance of Mangrove Forests as Green Open Spaces and Protectors from Abrasion in Mangunharjo Village Kelurahan)