Sariffudin, ST, MT



Sariffudin, ST, MT

Urban Development Laboratory

Sariffuddin is currently working on his PhD project in Coastal Neighborhood in Decline: Theory and Evidence from Indonesian Property Market Response at Radboud Universiteit, the Netherlands. His latest publication is Housing Displacement and Replacement in Coastal Flood-prone Areas: evidence from a Land and Building Tax-based Study in Indonesia, published as a book chapter in the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI). His research interests include spatial econometrics, spatial big data, and urban analytics for property market modeling. During his PhD research, he also participated in team teaching for spatial transformation subjects. He supervised spatial statistics for some master's theses at the same university.

At Universitas Diponegoro, Sariffuddin is an assistant professor at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering. He obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees from the same university. He is active as a scientific reviewer for some international journals such as the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (IJDRR), Heliyon, and Environmental and Sustainable Indicators. Sarif is also active as an editor for Jurnal Pengembangan Kota in Universitas Diponegoro.


  • Statistik Perencanaan

  • Praktikum Studio Perencanaan

  • Pengembangan Pariwisata

  • MKP Pengembangan Pariwisata

  • Praktikum Studio Proses Perencanaan

  • Hukum Administrasi Perencanaan

  • MKP Perngurangan Risiko Bencana Berbasis Komunitas

  • MKP Kerjasama Antar Daerah

  • 2022 – 2020    Model Bank Lahan untuk Pembangunan Perumahan Perkotaan yang Inklusif melalui Public Private People Partnership (PPPP)
  • 2021    Tingkat Kerentanan Masyarakat Pesisir yang Terdampak Bencana Banjir di Wilayah Kecamatan Pekalongan Utara


Tuzyahroya, Y. U., & Sariffuddin, S. (2020). Traditional oil miners reach their prosperity: An assessment of social welfare in Wonocolo, Indonesia. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 7(4), 2337 – 2344.


  • 2020 FGD Pengendalian Pembangunan Perumahan terhadap Pengembang Perumahan 
  • 2020 Sosialisasi Kebutuhan Angkutan Massal Berbasis Jalan dengan Pendekatan Transit-Oriented Affordable Housing Development (TOAHD) di Wilayah Aglomerasi Bregasmalang 
  • 2019 Penyiapan Platform Digital Jurnal Riptek 
  • 2019 Sosialisasi dan Diskusi Pemanfaatan Teknologi dan Internet Untuk Pengembangan UMKM Berbasis Rumah Kerajinan Eceng Gondok di Klaster Klinting Ambarawa