Ir. Retno Susanti, MT


Assoc. Prof. Ir. Retno Susanti, MT

Urban Design Laboratory

Retno Susanti is an associate professor at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in the architectural study program at Diponegoro University, then continued his Master's degree in Architectural Engineering at Diponegoro University with a concentration in Urban Design. In addition, he holds a doctorate from the Doctoral Program in Architecture and Urbanism, Diponegoro University. She conducts research focusing on urban studies, incredibly sustainable urban planning/design. The organizations she has participated in are: Indonesian Association of Planners (IAP) since 1998 and have been on the Central Java IAP board since 2011. She has also participated in the Indonesian Urban Design Researcher Association (IPLBI) since 2014 until now, a member of the Indonesian Urban Design Architects Association (IARKI) since 2019 until now, and has been a member of the Semarang City Smart City Council since 2021.


TPW21243 Morfologi Kota (Urban Morphology)

TPW21255 Perancangan Kota (Urban Design)

TPW21236 Studio Perancangan & Pembangunan Kota (Urban Development and Design Studio)

TPW21447 MKP Perilaku Masyarakat Dan Ruang Perkotaan (Urban Space and Community Behaviour)

TPW21527 MKP Pengendalian Pemanfaatan Ruang (Spatial Utilization Controling)

TPW21617 MKP Rancang Kota Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Urban Design)

TPW21366 MKP Kota Cerdas (Smart City) • TPW21526 MKP Perancangan Kota Inklusif (Inclusive Urban Design)

• 2021. Kerentanan Masyarakat di Daerah Rawan Kekeringan Kota Semarang Akibat Covid – 19 (Community Vulnerability in Drought-Prone Areas of Semarang City Due to Covid-19). Funded by Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University

• 2021. Proses De-studentifikasi dan Perubahan Ruang pada Sekitar Kawasan Perguruan Tinggi di Pleburan dan di Sampangan, Semarang (The De-Studentification Process and Spatial Transformation in Pleburan and Sampangan higher education area Semarang). Funded by Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University

• 2020. Komparasi Proses Gentrifikasi dan Studentifikasi Area Sekitar Kampus di Wilayah Tembalang dan Gunungpati, Semarang (Comparison between Gentrification and Studentification Processes in Tembalang and Gunungpati higher education area Semarang). Funded by Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University = • 2020. Model pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang formal dan informal di kawasan kota lama semarang (and Informal Space Utilization Model in the Old City Area of Semarang). Funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency for 2020

• 2019. Relasi Sosial Perumahan berkonsep GatedCommunity dengan Permukiman Kampung di Sekitarnya di Kecamatan Tembalang (Social Relations of Gated Community Housing to Surrounding Village Settlements in Tembalang District). Funded by Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University • 2018 - Kajian Bangunan Bersejarah di Kelurahan Purwodinatan sebagai Pedoman Arahan Pelestarian Kawasan (Study of Historical Buildings in Purwodinatan Village as Preservation Guidelines). Funded by Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University

• 2018. Kajian Penilaian kualitas Ruang Terbuka Hijau Komunal di Kecamatan Tembalang Semarang (Assessment of the Quality of Communal Green Open Space in Tembalang District, Semarang). Funded by Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University

• 2017 - Pola Tempat Aktivitas PKL Di Kawasan Konservasi, Pecinan, Kota Semarang (Pattern of Street Vendor Activities in Conservation Area, Chinatown, Semarang City). Funded by Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University


Dewi, S. P., Susanti, R., & Wungo, G. L. (2023). Informal Space Utilization Shifting post-Urban Revitalizationin the Semarang Old City. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 55(1), 78 – 87.

Susanti, R., Soetomo, S., & Buchori, I. (2020). Effects of the studentification process on spaces around campus: Transforming suburban areas. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 9(3), 3946 – 3954.

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Scopus Profile

Sinta Profile

• Indonesian Association of Planners (IAP) Central Java

• Indonesian Urban Design Researcher Association

• Indonesian Urban Design Architects Association

• Member of the Smart City Council in Semarang

• 2020 - Sosialisasi Kebutuhan Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Kelurahan Bulusan (Socialization of the Need for Green Open Space in Bulusan Village, Semarang)

• 2019 - Sosialisasi Peran Pentingnya Hutan Mangrove sebagai Ruang Terbuka Hijau dan Pelindung dari Abrasi di Kelurahan Mangunharjo (Socializing the Importance of Mangrove Forests as Green Open Spaces and Protectors from Abrasion in Mangunharjo Village, Semarang)

• 2018. Sosialisasi Perencanaan Kampung Jeruk Kingkit Semarang (Socialization of Kampung Jeruk Kingkit Semarang Planning)

• 2017. Penerapan Urban Farming Melalui Hidroponik dengan Media Pasir di Lingkungan Perumahan Pucang Gading, Mranggen, Demak (Application of Urban Farming Through Hydroponics with Sand Media in Pucang Gading Residential Neighborhood, Mranggen, Demak)