Dr. Holi Bina Wijaya, ST, MUM


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Holi Bina Wijaya, ST, MUM


Geomatic and Planning Laboratory


Holi Bina Wijaya is an associate professor and senior lecturer at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University. He graduated from the doctoral program of Diponegoro University, a master's program of IHS - Erasmus University, The Netherlands, and a bachelor's degree in urban and regional planning from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia. His research interest focuses on participatory planning, local economic development, and rural and urban issues. He is also the head of the research group for Participatory Planning (P5 Undip) at Diponegoro University


  • PTPW6303 Proses Perencanaan (Planning Process)
  • PTPW6703 Pengembangan Masyarakat (Community Development)
  • LTPW6708 MKP Perencanaan Partisipatif (Participatory Planning)
  • LTPW6605 MKP Pengembangan Pedesaan (Rural Development)
  • PTPW6206 Teknik Komunikasi (Communication Techniques for Planning)
  • PTPW6406 Sistem Informasi Geografis (Geographical Information Systems)


  • PTPW8086 Teknik Presentasi dan Komunikasi (Presentation and Communication for Planning)


  • PTPW 9121 Proposal Penelitian (Research Proposal)
  • PTPW9122           Kapita Selekta (Capita Selecta)

2023   Coastal Village Transformation: A Case Study of Bonangrejo Village, Demak Regency, Indonesia;

2023   Regional Competitiveness for Regional System Development;

2022   Land Dynamics Modelling and Land Value Prediction in the Area Affected by the Development of Yogyakarta International Airport;

2021   Analisis Kesesuaian Lokasi Kawasan Wisata di Kabupaten Jepara (Location Suitability Analysis of Tourism Areas in Jepara Regency);

2020   Theorizing the Urbanization Dynamics and Its Impact on Environmental Sustainability.


Wijaya, H. B., & Buchori, I. (2023). The origin of industrial workers and rural in situ urbanization in Temanggung Regency, Indonesia. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 27(1), 112 – 128. https://doi.org/10.1080/12265934.2022.2097119

Rudiarto, I., Zaim, Z., Buchori, I., & Wijaya, H. B. (2023). The Dynamics of Village Land Management A Case from Central: Java, Indonesia. In Geospatial Science for Smart Land Management: An Asian Contexthttps://doi.org/10.1201/9781003349518-27

Sejati, A. W., Wijaya, M. I. H., Rahmawaty, M. A., Buchori, I., Basuki, Y., Wahyono, H., Muzaki, A. J., Pradipta, H. T., & Wiratmaja, I. G. (2023). Reducing Rural Boundary Conflict through Participatory Mapping and GNSS-GIS. In Geospatial Science for Smart Land Management: An Asian Contexthttps://doi.org/10.1201/9781003349518-17

Wijaya, H. B., & Buchori, I. (2022). Reclassification of Urban Growth in Rural Area, Temanggung Regency, Indonesia. Geoplanning, 9(1), 1 – 16. https://doi.org/10.14710/geoplanning.9.1.1-16

Insani, T. D., Rudiarto, I., Handayani, W., & Wijaya, H. B. (2022). Rural livelihood resilience on multiple dimensions: a case study from selected coastal areas in Central Java. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 18(2), 176 – 193. https://doi.org/10.1504/WRSTSD.2022.121303

Rakhmatulloh, A. R., Dewi, D. I. K., Wijayanti, & Pulungan, R. S. (2021). The demand model of app-based transportation household scale in Semarang, Indonesia. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, 29(4), 2689 – 2704. https://doi.org/10.47836/PJST.29.4.25

Wijaya, H. B., Rudiarto, I., & Kurniawati, H. (2021). Migrant entrepreneurs in industry cluster formation and innovation: the case of semarang, central java, indonesia. Urban Book Series, 153 – 173. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50363-5_7

Phelps, N. A., & Wijaya, H. B. (2020). Growth and growth constraints in craft industry clusters: The batik industries of Central Java. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 41(2), 248 – 268. https://doi.org/10.1111/sjtg.12311

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Scopus Profile

Sinta Profile

  • Development Study Association (DSA) – England
  • Indonesian Planning Schools Association / Asosiasi Sekolah Perencanaan Indonesia (ASPI)
  • Indonesian Association of Urban and Regional Planners / Ikatan Ahli Perencanaan (IAP) Indonesia

Currently, General Secretary of Indonesian Planning Schools Association / Asosiasi Sekolah Perencanaan Indonesia (ASPI).

Currently, Head of Research Group on Participatory Planning (P5), Urban and Regional Planning Department, Diponegoro University.

2023   Community Participation-Based Village Boundary Determination in Wanacala Village, Karangsembung Village, and Dukuhmaja Village, Songgom Subdistrict

2023   Socialization and Mapping of Organic Rice Fields of Al Barokah Farmers Association in Susukan District, Semarang Regency

2022   Socialization of Regional Competitiveness Index Assessment of Central Java Province 2022

2022   Socialization of the Results of the Main Performance Indicator Index Assessment of Regional Development (Ease of Doing Business Indicator) Temanggung Regency in 2022

2021   Socialization on the Concept of Drafting an Analysis of the Main Performance Indicators of Regional Development (Ease of Doing Business Indicators) of Temanggung Regency

2021   Socialization of the Results of the Main Performance Indicator Index Assessment of Regional Development (Regional Development Indicators) of Temanggung Regency

2020   Socialization and Training of Internal Control System of Al-Barokah Agricultural Group, Susukan, Semarang Regency

2020   Preparation of Creative Economy Profile Based on Tourism Development in Bejen, Tretep, and Wonoboyo Areas in Temanggung Regency