Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugiono Soetomo, CES, DEA



Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugiono Soetomo, CES, DEA

Urban Design Laboratory


Sugiono Soetomo is a professor at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University. He hold a doctoral degree from Urbanisme Institut Francais d’Urbanisme, I’Universite de Paris VIII, France in Urbanisme. Likewise, he was graduated master degree from Urbanisme I’Universite de Paris VIII, France. Previously, he was granted a bachelor's degree in architecture from the Institut Teknologi Bandung. His research focuses on urban design and urban revitalization.


PTPW6101 Pengantar Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota (Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning)

TPW21346 MKP Panduan Rancang Kota (Urban Design Guidelines)

TPW21546 MKP Urban Megastructure


PTPW8051 Studio Pengembangan Wilayah (Studio of Regional Development Planning)

PTPW8010     Urban and Regional Planning Studio

PTPW8080 Studio Perencanaan Penataan Ruang (Studio of Spatial Planning)

PTPW8097 Studio Perencanaan Kota Cerdas Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Smart City Planning Studio)

2020 – 2021. Kebertahanan aktivitas ekonomi di kawasan kota lama semarang berdasarkan sense of place pengunjung terhadap bangunan setempat (The Sustainability of Economic Activity in the Old City of Semarang Based on The Visitor's Sense of Place towards Local Buildings). Funded by Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency, 2020-2021

2019. “Waroeng Semawis” Model Kegiatan Komunitas sebagai Upaya Pelestarian Kawasan Budaya di Pecinan Semarang (“Waroeng Semawis” as a Community Activity Model to preserve the cultural area in Semarang Chinatown). Funded by Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University

2019. Kekuatan Makna Kawasan terhadap Penghuninya di Kawasan Pecinan Semarang (The role of Sense of Place aspect for the Semarang Chinatown inhabitants). Funded by Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University

2018. Pengembangan Kawasan Heritage Museum Diponegoro Magelang Berbasis Pariwisata (The tourism-based development of Diponegoro Museum as an heritage area in Magelang). Funded by Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University


Wunarlan, I., Soetomo, S., & Rudiarto, I. (2023). The Morphology of Urban Agriculture of Marisa District, Indonesia. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 11(1), 412–424.

Indrawati, I., Nurhasan, N., & Soetomo, S. (2022). The Shifting Of Islamic Heritage From Education Center To Worship Tomb (The Effect Of The Political Policy). Journal of Islamic Architecture, 7(1), 11–18.

Hartanto, S., Soetomo, S., Sunaryo, B., & Pradoto, W. (2020). Model of efficient buildings on electrical consumption towards location in simpang lima commercial cluster. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 8(3), 326–334.

Hastorahmanto, P. S., Soetomo, S., & Sardjono, A. B. (2020). Traditional architecture of Kalang, Limasap (Ethnographic approach). International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 9(4), 2468–2475.

Kurniati, R., Soetomo, S., & Buchori, I. (2020). Mapping of Public Space for Cultural Celebration Chinese Ethnic in Chinatown Semarang. Geoplanning, 7(2), 95–112.

Ridlo, M. A., Soetomo, S., & Kistanto, N. H. (2020). Theoretical study of poverty in urban slum settlements. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 9(3), 4825–4829.

Susanti, R., Soetomo, S., & Buchori, I. (2020). Effects of the studentification process on spaces around campus: Transforming suburban areas. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 9(3), 3946–3954.

Wunarlan, I., Soetomo, S., & Rudiarto, I. (2020a). Evaluation of the living condition in fishermen settlement in the coastal area of Marisa City, Gorontalo Province. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, 5(6), 1033–1041.

Wunarlan, I., Soetomo, S., & Rudiarto, I. (2020b). Typology of peri-urban area based on physical and social aspects in Marisa, Indonesia. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 8(5), 984–992.

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• International Society of City and Regional Planners

• Indonesian Planning Association

  • Penataan Bantaran Sungai Babagan Lasem di Desa Soditan Kecamatan Lasem Kabupaten Rembang (Arrangement of the Babagan Lasem Riverbank in Soditan Village, Lasem District, Rembang Regency)
  • Sosialisasi Peran Pentingnya Hutan Mangrove sebagai Ruang Terbuka Hijau dan Pelindung dari Abrasi di Kelurahan Mangunharjo (Socialization of Mangrove Forests Primary Role as a Green Open Space and an abrassion protection in Mangunharjo Village)
  • Sosialisasi Desain Penataan Kawasan Perdagangan Jasa Pasar Pegandon dan Sekitarnya Dengan Konsep Pedestrian Mall di Kecamatan Pegandon Kabupaten Kendal (Dissemination of Pedestrian Mall Concept for The Trade Center Pegandon Market Area Design in Pegandon District, Kendal Regency)