Assoc. Prof. Samsul Ma’rif, SP, MT
Regional Development and Environmental Management Laboratory
Research Projects
Community Services
Samsul Ma’rif is an associate professor at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University. He holds master degree in urban and regional planning (ITB) and graduated with a bachelor's degree in socio-economic agriculture (Universitas Mataram). Currently completing a doctoral program in environmental science related to small island planning (Undip). His research focuses on urban and regional economies.
- PTPW6202. Pengantar Ekonomi (Introduction to Economics)
- PTPW6301. Ekonomi Wilayah dan Kota (Urban and Regional Economics)
- LTPW6713. Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau Pulau Kecil (Management of Coastal Regions and Small Islands)
- TPW6605. Pengembangan Pedesaan (Rural Development)
2023 Periurbanisasi Dan Urbanisasi Wilayah Pada Metropolitan Sedang di Pulau Jawa, Serta Perkembangan Kawasan-Kawasan Perkotaan Kecil di Kawasan Pinggirannya: Studi Kasus Studi Pada Kawasan Metropolitan Semarang, Jawa Tengah (Periurbanization and Regional Urbanization in Moderate Metropolitan Areas in Java, and the Development of Small Urban Areas in Its Periphery: A Case Study Study in Semarang Metropolitan Area, Central Java).
2023 Strategi Pengembangan Infrastruktur Wilayah Kabupaten Brebes (Brebes District Infrastructure Development Strategy).
2022 Urbanisasi Wilayah dan Perkembangan Kota-kota Kecil serta Transformasi Struktur Spasial pada Wilayah Non-Perkotaan: Kasus Studi pada Kawasan Kabupaten Jepara, Kudus, dan Pati, Jawa Tengah (Regional Urbanization and Development of Small Cities and Spatial Structure Transformation in Non-Urban Areas: Case Studies in Jepara, Kudus and Pati Districts, Central Java).
2021 Penyusunan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah 2021-2026 (Preparation of Regional Medium-Term Development Plan 2021-2026).
Ma’rif, S., Hadi, S. P., & Maryono, M. (2023). Typology Mapping of Small Border Islands in the Context of Optimizing the Role as a Center for Regional Growth and Environmental Supporting Capacity in Anambas Islands Regency. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1264(1).
Mardiansjah, F. H., Ma’rif, S., & Sugiri, A. (2023). Analyzing Urban Population Growth in the Towns of Non-urban Regions in Java, Indonesia, Using Spatial Analysis. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1264(1).
Mardiansjah, F. H., Sugiri, A., & Ma’Rif, S. (2022). Urban region formation of small cities and the growth of urban settlements in peripheries: The case of Tegal and Pekalongan urban regions in Central Java, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1082(1).
Ma’Rif, S., Hadi, S. P., & Maryono, M. (2022). Sustainable Development of Small Islands in the Border State Area Through Strengthening the Role as a Growth Center. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1082(1).
Mardiansjah, F. H., Sugiri, A., & Ma’rif, S. (2021). Peri-urbanization of small cities in Java and its impacts on paddy fields: The case of Tegal Urban Region, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 724(1).
• Indonesian Planning Association
Trainer of National Development Planning Board (BAPPENAS) – City Planning - Non-Degree Programs.
2023 Penyusunan Profil Wilayah Kecamatan Selomerto Kabupaten Wonosobo (The making of Regional Profile Book of Selomerto Sub-district, Wonosobo Regency)
2023 Pemetaan Wilayah Kecamatan Sapuran Kabupaten Wonosobo (Regional Mapping of Sapuran Sub-district, Wonosobo Regency)
2023 Penyusunan Profil Kampung Keluarga Berkualitas Segarini di Kota Semarang (The Making of Profile Book of Segarini Quality Family Village in Semarang City)
2022 Perancangan Kampung Tematik Wisata Curug Gondoriyo Sebagai Destinasi Wisata Di Kota Semarang (Designing Thematic Village of Curug Gondoriyo Tourism as a Tourism Destination in Semarang City)
2022 Rumusan Aksi Peningkatan Praktik Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3R) melalui Program Urban Ocean di Kota Semarang Sebagai Bagian dari Jejaring Kota Dunia (Action Plan for Improving Practices of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3R) through the Urban Ocean Program in Semarang City as Part of the World City Network)
2022 Rumusan Aksi Pembiayaan terhadap Sirkularitas Persampahan melalui Program Urban Ocean di Kota Semarang sebagai bagian dari Jejaring Kota Dunia (The Finance Action Plan on Waste Circularity through Urban Ocean Program in Semarang City as part of the World City Network)