“Planning and Development of Labuan Bajo Super Priority National Tourism Strategic Area”
Seminar on studio results and fieldwork (Kuliah Kerja Lapangan/KKL) is an annual activity organized by the Master Program of Urban and Regional Planning – Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DURP) – Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University. The activity was carried out on Thursday, July 23, 2022, in a hybrid way in the DURP Theater Room by displaying the fieldwork results of 2021 cohort students taking the study location in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, West Nusa Tenggara Province.
The webinar began with an activity report submitted by the Head of the URP Master Study Program, Mrs. Wido Prananing Tyas, ST, MDP, Ph.D., and remarks by the Head of the DURP, Prof. Dr.-Ing, and officially opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Prof.Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, MM, MSc, PhD. and as the moderator is Secretary of URP Master Study Program Rukuh Setiadi, ST, MEM, Ph.D. The presentation of the public lecture was delivered by the Head of Regional II Infrastructure Development Center, The Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Mr. Ir. Kuswardono, MCP with Lesson Learned material for Labuan Bajo Super Priority National Strategic Tourism Area (Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata Nasional/KSPN) Development, followed by explanations by each concentration, i.e.
1. Spatial Planning
2. City Design
3. Regional Planning
4. City Development Management
5. Smart City
The webinar was also attended by the stakeholders of Labuan Bajo as the discussant:
1. Shana Fatina, ST. – President Director of the Executing Agency for the Labuan Bajo Flores Authority
2. Petrus Antonius Rasyid, S.STP, M.PP – Head of Bappeda West Manggarai Regency, NTT
3. Dr. Ir. Alphonsus Theodorus, MT. – Head of Infrastructure and Regional Development of the NTT Province Bappelitbanda
Open the following links to see the studio exhibition virtually: https://bit.ly/PameranVirtualStudio