Department Profile

Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP established at 1992 with SK Dirjen Dikti Nomor 43/DIKTI/KEP/1992, it becomes second Urban and Regional Planning institution in Indonesia after ITB. Currently, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP got ‘A’ accreditation from BAN-PT No: 197/SK/BAN_PT/Ak-XVI/S/IX/2013. Now, with how long it has been in the educational institution, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP is ready to developing the science and produce Urban and Regional Planning Graduates that are competence in their field.

When it first opened, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP only receive 30 students, in 2011, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP receive 1982 students. Until 2011, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP already has 1.138 gaduates with average GPA of 3,28. Graduates works on any sectors, such as public sectors, private sector, and also non-government organization, both in national and international scale.

Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP has a vision “Become an educational institution that has international reputation in 2020.”, and Missions as follow:

  1. Organize qualified educational planning with developing governance system that is credible, trasnparance, accountable, responsible, and fair.
  2. Produce excellent graduates who are globally competitive in planning field with increasing the quality of education and science relevance (link and match).
  3. Do research and gain international knowledge scale in planning field with creating adequate environment, infrsastructure, and facilities.
  4. Give a scientific contribution and community service in planning field with expanding the international networking.

This considered quite realistic, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP already has a system that organize qualified educational planning with developing governance system that is credible, trasnparance, accountable, responsible, and fair.

For the human sources, the recruitment of the academic staff is very tight. After recruiting the staff from the long process, the candidates of the staff are sent to some workshop or even foreign university to increase the quality of the lecturer. Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP already has the roadmap to send a lot of lecturer to pursue a doctorate degree in foreign university, if the roadmap is go along as expected, then in 2015, more than 25 lecturer of Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP qualified as professor.

Monitoring and evaluating the work of the academic staffs is regularly done through a lot of ways. Started from 2009, the evaluation sheet has been publicated online and filled by students every semester, the evaluation sheet can be accesed here For the daily monitoring and evaluation, the lecturers required to do the presence check with finger-print.

Curriculum of Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP is designed and evaluated every five-years in line with the need of developing science, market needs, profession principles, benchmarking, and tracking study. For 2012 curriculum, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP does the Academic Benchmarking to University of Queensland Australia. To increase its reputation on the international scale, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP has initiated on every academic cooperation with other planning educational institution both in local or international.

To maintain public trust in the quality of its education, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP continuously supervises and evaluates quality assurance through three steps; (a) through active involvement in international scientific activities including the process of submitting international accreditation of Asian University Network (AUN) (b) through BAN-PT (national), and (c) through Undip’s Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI). Institutionally the Quality Assurance Group (GPM) is the spearhead for conducting internal audits at the study program level. This GPM is also an extension of the Faculty Quality Assurance Team (TPMF) which works to implement the university quality assurance policy implemented by the Education and Development Quality Assurance Institute (LP2MP) Undip. To ensure the implementation of PBM consistently, GPM also continuously develops and reviews various Procedure Manuals (MP) and Work Instruction (IK) that are needed to support academic activities.

To support the realization of a conducive academic atmosphere, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP had various facilities, infrstructures and facilities such as: buildings, lecture halls, laboratories, libraries, studio rooms, seminar rooms and other supporting facilities such as musholla, student association rooms, sports field / green open space, sitting ground, and also parking area. As for supporting the realization of good university governance, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP also has variety of infrastructure and facilities that are adequate such as:

  • Academic Information System (SIA). This Academic Information System can be accessed at (http: // sia.
  • College monitoring system. This information can be accessed at (
  • Information System. This information system can be accessed at
  • Undip e-journal. This information system can be accessed at,
  • Accounting System for State Property (SIMAK BMN)
  • Online-based financial planning
  • Online courses. This information system can be accessed at
  • Employment Information System This information system can be accessed at
  • Alumni Network This information system can be accessed at

In terms of sustainability of funding, operational funds and management of Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP consist of three sources funds of what we derived from students (SPP, SPI, SPMP and PRKP), Government or Ministry of Education (Salary and DIPA) and other funding sources (Research and PKM). As a University with a BLU status, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP has full authority in preparing a Budget Business Plan (RBA). Nevertheless, the use of the budget is carried out carefully referring to the Strategic Plan that has been compiled and audited periodically by the Undip Faculty of Engineering and Internal Auditors.

In terms of scientific development activities and community service, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP ent classifies lecturers into 4 four groups of research interests (research groups) or laboratories (research laboratories), namely: Lab. Urban Development, Lab. Physical Design of Urban and Regional Spaces, Lab. Geomatic and Computational Planning and Lab. Regional Development and Environmental Management. Besides functioning to conduct research (raodmap) research in the laboratory itself, in each lecture preparation Research Methodology, the Laboratory becomes a medium to bring together lecturers’ research interests with students, so that the research of lecturers and students can run well and accelerate the completion process of student Final Assignments.

The last three years (2009-2011) various research collaborations and community service have been carried out well with the support of domestic and foreign funds. From the data of research activities, it can be seen that there has been an increase in research interest which means that if in 2009 there were 10 lecturers conducting research and in 2010-2011 it had increased by 100% reaching 21 studies. This research also has implications for the increase in lecturer and student research in the last three years, reaching 81 people from 312 students who did the final project.


The results of these studies have been published in various journals and seminar proceedings both at local and international. One thing to be proud of is Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP has a National Accredited Journal in the planning field in Indonesia (DIKTI SK, No: 64a / DIKTI / Kep / 2010) called TATALOKA Journal ( /index.php/tataloka). At 2012 with the enactment of the obligation to publish the results of student final assignments in the form of scientific articles, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP has developed Urban and Regional Planning Technical Journal which is currently assumed to be accessible online at /index.php/pwk/index.


In the field of Community Service, Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP also has a field laboratory where Urban and Regional Planning Department of UNDIP lecturers can conduct community service activities that deal directly with the community. The community service program takes place in a sustainable manner in collaboration with the city and village government. The laboratory is currently also active in collaborating with international institutions to carry out community service activities