On Monday, March 25, 2024, Department of Urban and Regional Planning successfully held  International Lecture Series #02 It was held online it was held online via Zoom meeting (synchronously) and Youtube (asynchronously). The discussion is “Sustainable Coastal Management”, which is related to Sustainable Development Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and Sustainable Development Goal 13 (Climate Action). On this occasion, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wiwandari Handayani, as Head of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Diponegoro University, gave opening remarks. In her remarks, she saud that for this series of International Lecture Series, we invited experts from various fields to give lectures at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Diponegoro University. We hope that Urban and Regional Planning students can enrich their research topics by addressing various issues in regional and urban planning.

Maya Damayanti, Ph.D., from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Diponegoro University, as the moderator, and guide the discussion of the two presenters. The first material was delivered  by Dr. Ir. Leon M. Hermans from the Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management at TU Delft, Netherlands, regarding “Policy Analysis for Coasts and Deltas”. Meanwhile, Dr.-Ing. Wisnu Pradoto from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Diponegoro University, explained about “Flood and Land Use Control in River Basins”.

An important note in the discussion was that climate change impacts the rise in sea levels and increases the frequency of storms, making areas more vulnerable to flooding and erosion. Collaboration between government, private stakeholders, research institutions, and community involvement is needed in (1) implementing risk management policies, (2) spatial planning regulations to reduce flood vulnerability, (3) effective land use planning and flood defenses, and (4) building infrastructure, ecosystems, and restoration to face climate change.The webinar activity went well and there were 72 participants attending synchronously (Zoom meeting), not only students and lecturers at Diponegoro University but also academics from other universities both in Indonesia and abroad, representatives of government agencies, NGOs and alumni of Diponegoro University.

The following Is a recording link for International Lecture Series #01 2024: https://bit.ly/ILS2024_DPWK02