On Monday, 28 August 2023, the International Lecture Series #05 took place online and was broadcast on the YouTube channel. The ILS activity this time carries the theme of Sustainable Urban Landscape, which is related to Sustainable Development Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Settlements) and Sustainable Development Goal 15 (Life on Land). On this occasion, Diah Intan Kusuma Dewi, M.Eng from the Urban and Regional Planning Department, was the moderator who guided the discussion with the two presenters. Prof. Dr. Johannes Widodo from the Department of Architecture, School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore, delivered the first material regarding Sustainable Urban Landscapes. Meanwhile, Novia Sari Ristianti, MT, from the Urban and Regional Planning Department, explained the results of her research on Biophilic Design for Urban Parks Toward Sustainable Landscape in Semarang City. Important notes in the discussion include that in the context of Semarang City, several efforts are needed to ‘healing and conserving the Old Semarang City’ by considering several things such as: 1) Ensuring transparency and accountability in conservation initiatives to build trust and involve the community in the decision-making process, and 2) Increasing historical research for authentic restoration and effective conservation management plans. In addition, the recommendation that can be given to stakeholders is to establish a biophilic urban park and follow its regenerative properties. There are also recommendations for further research, namely researching carbon footprints in city park areas, because they are also related to climate change and urban resilience, and biophilic elements can reduce these carbon footprints. The ILS #05, attended by 123 participants from lecturers and students of the bachelor, master, and doctoral programs in Urban and Regional Planning – Diponegoro University, and representatives of government institutions online via Zoom, ran smoothly. The discussion session went well in terms of the high enthusiasm of the participants in asking questions and responding to the presentations that the lecturers had delivered.

The following is a recording link for International Lecture Series #05 2023 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGXngdi3WIc)