To support SDG 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities, the Department of URP UNDIP organized the Urban Regeneration Studio 2023 with the theme ‘Developing the built environment to leverage innovative economic activities.’ The event lasted two weeks, started from August 5 and ended on August 19, 2023. Twenty-one students and professionals from UNDIP, UGM, IAP, IALI, and KotaLab France participated and worked collaboratively for the success of this annual event. The participants included master’s students, professionals, and practitioners, bridging the gap between formal education and professional practice in planning and project implementation.

The studio area, Tambakrejo Village in Gayamsari District, is a slum and flood-prone. All participants visited Tambakrejo Village, specifically RW 9, a frequently flooded and polluted area caused by toll road construction. Participants also visited fishponds-transformed-to-retention ponds. However, these retention ponds do not function effectively during floods. Additionally, participants engaged in a discussion with the Village Head of Tambakrejo, Sukiswo, SH. Located near the Tanjung Mas harbour highway and intercity route that connects Jakarta and Surabaya, this district is strategic for industries. For this reason, many parties prefer to open their business in this district, which led to prevalent occurrence of fishponds conversion for industrial use. In addition, the existence of Tambak terboyo and the development plan for a sea toll road connecting Semarang with Demak might significantly affect the district in a negative way.

The URS 2023 participants engaged in discussions regarding the potentials, issues, and strategies for the sustainability concept of the community in Tambakrejo Village. The disucussion was led under the guidance of Julien Birgi, MBA., MuP., Ph.D., and Marie Julie Lavaud, MArch, from KotaLab France. From the discussion, participants concluded the necessity for: (1) improving the water management system. (2) Implementing zoning regulations in the industrial area to prevent factory expansions. (3) Enhancing Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). (4) Providing habitable housing. These results are expected to help the government and stakeholders to deliver and achieve sustainability, and serve as ideas for urban regeneration in Tambakrejo Village.